Hip hop Beatz

Beatz For Sale

Monday, December 8, 2014

Producers and Artists You have the Power....Don't get took in....Self help courses are for suckers...

In this post, I'm addressing something here that I see a lot, and absolutely hate.  Self help courses for musicians, artists, and producers.  I've bought and listened to a few, just to see what they were really about.  Let me tell you what they are all about.  They are NOT about helping you, or freeing you, or anything like it. They are about helping whoever is publishing them make lots of money and prey upon you as an artist.  They make all these claims about having the secret, the formula, the answers, whatever.  What they do is talk a lot and don't tell you shit.  Then at the end they say oh, and if you want the real knowledge, the deep knowledge, then buy this other course, and then this one, and then.....U know where I'm going.  Don't get suckered by these clowns.  There is no magic bullet, and there is no get rich quick schemes that work.  They aren't designed to help you, or free you, or anything but take your money.  It is money you can spend in real ways that will really help your career.  Hard work, self promotion, and the grind of putting it out there one fan at a time, is what is going to get you somewhere.  I don't care how big your mailing list gets.  If you aren't putting out the real deal you won't sell anything.  Anybody who tells you otherwise, is just trying to sucker you and sell you stuff.  They aren't helping you promote you, they are fishing for suckers.  They are only interested in making you their customer.  They use BS and sneaky psychological tactics to make you feel like you are someone they care about about, then hit you up for money over and over again, under the guise of being your helpful friend with all the answers.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Most times it is just a repackage job on some self  help course they got took on about a year back.  Instead of offering real value, they just repackage the same old self help BS and pass that BS on to you, their loyal friends.  Don't waste your time on these things or these people.  They only sell false hopes and dreams.  There are actually some great Kindle books on Amazon that cost less than $5 and honestly will give you more value and better info than these expensive courses offered by some shady really dudes out there.  Long ago those cats made a choice about taking people's hard earned money and offering no real value.  They stopped caring except about themselves.  They are the ones responsible to the declining beat prices and quality out there.  They are fishing for suckers and I guarantee, if you buy one of those slick willy shortcut courses, you, in the end will end up feeling taken and unhappy about it, saying wtf?  Nobody ever said music was supposed to be easy.  Quit thinking of it in terms of easy or hard.  If you are true on it, and know it, then music isn't even a choice for you.  Get it in your mind now that you will do, whatever you have to do to make it.  Do not however get on the losing track of trying to sucker or rip people off cuz you view it as easier or think you are entitled to easy success.  That path has no future.  None.  Good music and class acts are timeless, the rest of the clowns and their antics just come and go.  Be classy and be real on it.  Be authentic. Do the hard work, and get a real future out of it.  Much Love!

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